We will set up a free trial for you that is not only a demo but does real tasks in your business.
No credit card needed, no automatism after trial, you can try it without any obligations.
Consultations happen online and take about 30 min.
Our subscriptions are thoughtfully organized in various packages, offering you the flexibility you need.
Together we will tailor your setup to grant you the best services for your money and keep risks in check.
Your NateoOrb will be made for you!
All packages include the necessary services to keep you up to date with your evolving needs.
First of all, the setup of your initial function set is free. So, there is no installation fee. You start right into a NateoOrb that is made for you.
Then, your monthly fee will cover the typical amount of updates / changes to your function set. The goal is to let you modify and evolve your NateoOrb with no need for any additional budget.
The packages contain certain numbers of registered users with certain user levels. This will save you money, as not all users will need to have all capabilities (like admin access).
As a bottom line you will pay only for what you use while you can alter you plans if needed.
Experience smarter work, avoid risks, add a little more future to your business.